
The audacity of some companies!

So back in early December I interviewed with a company for a position that they had open and the interview went great. The VP reached out to me and said that I would be a perfect candidate for a position that they were originally planning on opening Q3 of 2023 but wanted to hire me on now but because of the holidays and year end it might be a couple of weeks; I was ok with waiting. Couple of weeks went by and HR reached out to me and said that they wanted me to meet the rest of the team which I did. Then another couple of weeks HR reached out and said that the VP has been on Vacation and she would reach out. Last week the VP scheduled two separate 1 hour meetings to go through the job description and to show some of my sample project…

So back in early December I interviewed with a company for a position that they had open and the interview went great. The VP reached out to me and said that I would be a perfect candidate for a position that they were originally planning on opening Q3 of 2023 but wanted to hire me on now but because of the holidays and year end it might be a couple of weeks; I was ok with waiting.

Couple of weeks went by and HR reached out to me and said that they wanted me to meet the rest of the team which I did. Then another couple of weeks HR reached out and said that the VP has been on Vacation and she would reach out.

Last week the VP scheduled two separate 1 hour meetings to go through the job description and to show some of my sample project that I worked on in the past.

The last meeting that I had she literally had me build the department structure with her and operational procedures.

At the end of the last “interview” she said that since the job wasn’t publicly posted she needs to talk to HR and get back to me on Monday.

I reached out to HR on Thursday since I haven’t heard anything just to be told that they couldn’t get funding approved for the new position and that they would be posting the job in April and that I can apply for the job then.

I said I will definitely will NOT be applying in April and hung up the phone.

I am livid right now since I feel like they used me to build out a department structures and operational procedures when they knew the position won’t be available until April.

I want to send them a bill for all of my time they wasted.

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