
The biggest scam in history.

So if I live until I’m 76 (average life expectancy), I’ll have 665,760 hours of life. I sleep 219,700 of those. I spend 15,120 of those in school k-12. If I work a 45 hour week and retire at 65, I’ll have worked 105,750 hours in my lifetime. From birth to death, I get 325,000 hours of my life to myself, and a bunch of that time is as an infant and toddler. My commute, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc comes out of this time. That works out to 48.8% of my life is leisure time. Less than half of our lives are spent in leisure. LESS THAN HALF… Who the fuck told us that we should spend over half of our lives doing something we don’t want to do, otherwise we’re homeless. This is bullshit.

So if I live until I’m 76 (average life expectancy), I’ll have 665,760 hours of life. I sleep 219,700 of those. I spend 15,120 of those in school k-12. If I work a 45 hour week and retire at 65, I’ll have worked 105,750 hours in my lifetime.

From birth to death, I get 325,000 hours of my life to myself, and a bunch of that time is as an infant and toddler. My commute, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc comes out of this time.

That works out to 48.8% of my life is leisure time. Less than half of our lives are spent in leisure. LESS THAN HALF…

Who the fuck told us that we should spend over half of our lives doing something we don’t want to do, otherwise we’re homeless. This is bullshit.

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