
The biggest victims of the Russia-Ukraine war are workers.

If Ukraine wins, workers will have to work day and night to build their destroyed economy, their workplaces will be all burned and in pieces. Any anti-work movement will shut down and people will have other things to care about. Their work environment will be all kinds of messed up and no time or money to fix it. Exploitation will be off the charts. I really feel bad for the workers in Ukraine. They will be in a capitalist hell if they want to build their country again.

If Ukraine wins, workers will have to work day and night to build their destroyed economy, their workplaces will be all burned and in pieces. Any anti-work movement will shut down and people will have other things to care about.

Their work environment will be all kinds of messed up and no time or money to fix it. Exploitation will be off the charts.

I really feel bad for the workers in Ukraine. They will be in a capitalist hell if they want to build their country again.

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