
The Boulder Pledge equally applies to customer surveys

Do you know the Boulder Pledge? Basically it’s just vowing to never buy anything offered via spam. Well those customer surveys you get are also spam. Don’t participate. Don’t do them, ever. For anyone who works in customer service they’re just another headache and another excuse to cut wages via not giving raises to at least match inflation. For every worker getting some sort of bonus for good surveys there’ll be 2 the surveys are being leveraged against. The expense of running and reviewing those surveys have to be excused by reducing labor costs, after all. And it’s not like they really care what your opinion is. That’s what they have marketing people for. The surveys are just about judging the end of the line customer service workers (and that they’re doing what they’re trained to, not necessarily that they acted how you’d like), regardless of how the questions are…

Do you know the Boulder Pledge? Basically it’s just vowing to never buy anything offered via spam. Well those customer surveys you get are also spam. Don’t participate. Don’t do them, ever. For anyone who works in customer service they’re just another headache and another excuse to cut wages via not giving raises to at least match inflation. For every worker getting some sort of bonus for good surveys there’ll be 2 the surveys are being leveraged against. The expense of running and reviewing those surveys have to be excused by reducing labor costs, after all. And it’s not like they really care what your opinion is. That’s what they have marketing people for. The surveys are just about judging the end of the line customer service workers (and that they’re doing what they’re trained to, not necessarily that they acted how you’d like), regardless of how the questions are stated or any meaningless statement about the intent of the survey.

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