
The break room is a 7 minute walk from me and I only get a 30 minute break

I work in a huge factory with a single break room and depending on where you are at in the factory determines how long your break is. When I started I was on a line that was located super close to the break room, all I had to do was walk like 30 seconds but they switched me to a new line last week that’s on the whole other side of the building and it takes 7 minutes to walk to the break room. We aren’t allowed to have our phones or food out on the processing floor at all, in fact if they see the outline of your phone in your pocket you will get written up so we have no choice but to take our breaks in the break room where we leave our phones and food and it sucks. I have to spend 7 minutes walking there…

I work in a huge factory with a single break room and depending on where you are at in the factory determines how long your break is. When I started I was on a line that was located super close to the break room, all I had to do was walk like 30 seconds but they switched me to a new line last week that’s on the whole other side of the building and it takes 7 minutes to walk to the break room.

We aren’t allowed to have our phones or food out on the processing floor at all, in fact if they see the outline of your phone in your pocket you will get written up so we have no choice but to take our breaks in the break room where we leave our phones and food and it sucks.

I have to spend 7 minutes walking there and im expected to be back before my time ends so I have to leave at least 7 minutes early which only leaves about a 15 minute break that I have to spend scarfing down my food and drink almost making myself sick from eating so fast just to get back in time.

It’s so unfair that our break time depends on where we are located in the building. They should give the people in the back longer breaks since I have to spend most of mine walking while those who are close get to have a much longer break, I don’t clockout for my breaks and breaks aren’t required in my state so there’s nothing I can really do.

Apparently my coworkers tried talking to H.R about it multiple times and they keep saying they plan on building another break room but apparently they’ve been saying that for years

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