
The Capitalists are using large scale/illegal immigration to decrease wages and make housing unaffordable – workers should not support it

The notion goes something like this: moar people means moar consumption which means moar jobs which means moar wages. Except this doesnt hold up to economic/scientific scrutiny. If the number of people increases too quickly – the number of new jobs created cannot keep up. Thus soon the number of people looking for work will massively outnumber avaliable work and wages will decrease because supply outpaces demand. And while some may claim that this is not true because unemployment rate is below 4% – the labor participation rate has decreased from 67% in 2000 to just 62% in 2022. Also compared to the 1960s before large scale immigration – real wages/purchasing power have stagnated. Then there is the matter of housing. If the number of people increases too quickly – the number of new houses/appartments constructed cant keep up – thus driving up house prices/rent. Also since space is a…

The notion goes something like this: moar people means moar consumption which means moar jobs which means moar wages.

Except this doesnt hold up to economic/scientific scrutiny. If the number of people increases too quickly – the number of new jobs created cannot keep up. Thus soon the number of people looking for work will massively outnumber avaliable work and wages will decrease because supply outpaces demand.

And while some may claim that this is not true because unemployment rate is below 4% – the labor participation rate has decreased from 67% in 2000 to just 62% in 2022.

Also compared to the 1960s before large scale immigration – real wages/purchasing power have stagnated.

Then there is the matter of housing. If the number of people increases too quickly – the number of new houses/appartments constructed cant keep up – thus driving up house prices/rent. Also since space is a finited commodity – especially in the cities – all increasing the population does is making everything more expensive.

If large scale immigration was a wage driver – why are our wages adjusted for inflation – only a little higher than 60 years ago when believing the official inflation numbers – or even worse – when believing the inofficial ones?

Because all large scale immigration does is drive wages down – thats why Capitalists support “the free movement of peoples and goods” because its good for them – but bad for the workers.

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