
The coast guard screwed my husband over. How can I console him while he’s looking for another job?

My husband was a merchant marine/sailor for 4 years before the coast guard fucked everything up (his documents to go back on ships wouldn't go through to the coast guard's email due to their “firewall”). He hasn't worked for 1 and a half years because of them, and he wants nothing more to do with the maritime industry. Even if he did, he would still have to wait a long time just to go back onboard. Money is running a little low now that we have a 3 month old baby. The plan was for me to be a SAHM for 2 years while he worked, but since the coast guard's mess, I have to work as well as him at a land job. Now the jobs he wants aren't getting back to him (IT/tech is VERY hard to break into without relevant experience), and he now says he feels…

My husband was a merchant marine/sailor for 4 years before the coast guard fucked everything up (his documents to go back on ships wouldn't go through to the coast guard's email due to their “firewall”). He hasn't worked for 1 and a half years because of them, and he wants nothing more to do with the maritime industry. Even if he did, he would still have to wait a long time just to go back onboard.

Money is running a little low now that we have a 3 month old baby. The plan was for me to be a SAHM for 2 years while he worked, but since the coast guard's mess, I have to work as well as him at a land job. Now the jobs he wants aren't getting back to him (IT/tech is VERY hard to break into without relevant experience), and he now says he feels like a “housewife” and a bad husband and father.

What can I do to help him, or at least mentally and emotionally at the moment? I'm helping him apply for jobs, but he just seems so depressed and grouchy lately. I don't like seeing him like that, and since he has a history of (mild) depression, I don't want it to come to the worst thing…

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