
The company I used to work for is asking me to pay back for relocation expenses.

On 2021 my company relocated me to another state. Even though I hated the idea, there was no other option for me. I told them I didn’t want to but they pretty much said that was the only position available for me at the time. Since I needed my job and couldn’t afford loosing it, I did it. They paid for moving costs, and gave me $5,000 as a relocation bonus. The relocation agreement said if I stayed for less than a year I had to pay the full amount of the relocation package, between 1 and 2 years would be only 50% that i had to pay. So I got to the new location and hated it. Didn’t know anyone in NC, I was sent to a little town and my boss was the worse. I couldn’t tolerate the new boss. She was new in the company and was…

On 2021 my company relocated me to another state. Even though I hated the idea, there was no other option for me. I told them I didn’t want to but they pretty much said that was the only position available for me at the time. Since I needed my job and couldn’t afford loosing it, I did it. They paid for moving costs, and gave me $5,000 as a relocation bonus. The relocation agreement said if I stayed for less than a year I had to pay the full amount of the relocation package, between 1 and 2 years would be only 50% that i had to pay.

So I got to the new location and hated it. Didn’t know anyone in NC, I was sent to a little town and my boss was the worse. I couldn’t tolerate the new boss. She was new in the company and was her first role in the company. She made my life and other peers lives impossible. Up to the point I decided to leave. However, I thought at least let’s make it to the 1 year mark in the new location (2 year total with the company).

So that was the case, I waited and sucked it up with the boss. Provided really good results for the company and when the time came, I left. That was July 2022. Now 4 months later after I left, they are charging me $6,500 for relocation costs (which is 50% of the total relocation costs). I didn’t know the costs would be this insane to move. I literally moved out a bed, tv, a desk and tv stands. I took the clothes in my car. This apparently costed $3500. Then $5000 for the bonus and $4500 for the taxes within the bonus. I have a month to pay for 50% of all this which I feel is insane to come with this amount of money in such short amount of time.

This relocation ruined my career, my physical health due to all the bullshit I had to do that was not supposed to be in my normal duties, and my mental health given by the harassment and pressure my new boss imposed.

Not sure on what to do now, if you guys have any advise, please I need some. Thanks for reading

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