
The company I work for just posted my position for more money.

The company I work for posted an entry level job at a higher salary than I currently make. I was hired for the same role 2 years ago, and the job was posted for 3k more annually than I am making currently. I have a review coming up next month and I was planning on asking for a raise, but I did the math, and if I had been hired at the new salary being offered, and my raises were the same value as the ones I got, I would be making 36% more than I currently do. I’m very young and still learning how to ask for things in the workplace and I have no idea how to swing this so I can be compensated fairly.

The company I work for posted an entry level job at a higher salary than I currently make. I was hired for the same role 2 years ago, and the job was posted for 3k more annually than I am making currently. I have a review coming up next month and I was planning on asking for a raise, but I did the math, and if I had been hired at the new salary being offered, and my raises were the same value as the ones I got, I would be making 36% more than I currently do. I’m very young and still learning how to ask for things in the workplace and I have no idea how to swing this so I can be compensated fairly.

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