
“The Customer Is Always Right” – Rant

Had an angry customer call in…now I've dealt with angry people for over ten years, but never had anybody so angry they're screaming loudly enough to make my ear ring, and won't let me get a single word in. She continued to use profanity and personal insults towards me. After letting it slide three times I calmly told her I was happy to review her situation and discuss a resolution, but if she continues to use profanity I would disconnect the call. This riled her up even more and she said “This is 2023, it's not a conservative work environment where you don't allow customers to cuss at you” and then proceeded to call me “entitled”. She continued to cuss and scream and I eventually ended the call. But normally warning people you will disconnect does the trick (at least in my experience). I've never had anyone get even more…

Had an angry customer call in…now I've dealt with angry people for over ten years, but never had anybody so angry they're screaming loudly enough to make my ear ring, and won't let me get a single word in. She continued to use profanity and personal insults towards me. After letting it slide three times I calmly told her I was happy to review her situation and discuss a resolution, but if she continues to use profanity I would disconnect the call. This riled her up even more and she said “This is 2023, it's not a conservative work environment where you don't allow customers to cuss at you” and then proceeded to call me “entitled”. She continued to cuss and scream and I eventually ended the call. But normally warning people you will disconnect does the trick (at least in my experience). I've never had anyone get even more escalated, and never expected to be called “entitled” for not wanting to get insulted and cursed at.

I followed our company procedures for customers using abusive language. But she called back immediately (still angry) and basically held one of our customer service reps hostage. I genuinely don't understand fully grown adults who act like that and expect it to serve them well. Do they not realize that people will be more inclined to help you out if you're respectful? I understand frustration and I can handle downright argumentative people so long as we can have a two-way conversation like adults. But people like this who clearly aren't looking for a resolution and are just looking to insult someone to make themselves feel better is mind-boggling to me.

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