In my day job, I'm a service tech who gets sent all over my state to make repairs. About a year and a half ago, I started to track all the sites in my territory. Prior to this position I had a little bit of data crunching and computer experience, so I wrote a small program to collect data points from every active customer. The software I wrote is designed to look for anomalies. Things that show up outside the normal patterns. I had an inkling that by following the data and checking out the anomalies, I could predict the sites where issues would come up and take a proactive approach. Fixing the issues before they become service calls.
That program ended up working extremely well. So we'll in fact that it uncovered a fatal flaw in our system that was effecting our companies efficiency in delivery. But spending a day, going through the system and updating one value on every customers account, the system would automatically make all deliveries in a more organized manor. So I made that change.
My local depot is now climbing every list in the company. Obviously we're doing something right and the execs are taking notice.
…so they promoted my boss for doing such excellent work with his depot. Do I at least get my bosses old position? Well, it doesn't make sense to remove me from a position I'm so good at doing, so I get to stay put and continue to use my software to improve the company.
I've just applied for a position with in the company in the corporate sector. I'm bringing ALGO (the name of my computer program) with me as an example of my work and how I can take it national to all the depots if given the opportunity.
My names all over the program considering the only place where it runs is on my own personal computer, so there's no way someone else could claim credit for it. I wonder what kind of shake up will be caused if I get that job? I wonder if my boss was expecting me to nationalize my program under him so he could claim credit for that too?