
The day I stopped caring

Another post reminded me of this, it was several years ago but it still pisses me off. I worked at a car leasing/sale company. The owner was a complete narcissist and the general manager was beyond unstable. After a short while, it was easily seen that they were having an affair (he was married with two kids, she was single). She took the work wife thing to the extreme, because his real wife didn’t handle things the way she should have (puke). Over the years things became normalized, for lack of a better word, but even at the time my eye twitched when shit went down. Example, GM’s dishwasher needed replaced, she complained to owner about it over and over. So, being the cheap ass he was, he bought a display model and was going to install it himself. Except…he is stupid and reading directions isn’t something he does. I…

Another post reminded me of this, it was several years ago but it still pisses me off. I worked at a car leasing/sale company. The owner was a complete narcissist and the general manager was beyond unstable. After a short while, it was easily seen that they were having an affair (he was married with two kids, she was single). She took the work wife thing to the extreme, because his real wife didn’t handle things the way she should have (puke). Over the years things became normalized, for lack of a better word, but even at the time my eye twitched when shit went down. Example, GM’s dishwasher needed replaced, she complained to owner about it over and over. So, being the cheap ass he was, he bought a display model and was going to install it himself. Except…he is stupid and reading directions isn’t something he does. I was dating a guy who worked construction. Owner approached him when he visited me and asked if he knew about such installations (uh yeah, of course he did). So, he said if he’d handle it he’d pay for a nice steak dinner for us. My guy said he’s too busy- later told me that $100 at the time wasn’t anywhere near what he’d command for that labor. It should be noted that owner lived in a huge house, drove either a Viper or Hummer H2 depending on weather and his real wife drove a Land Rover.

A couple years later, I’m still working there…like an idiot. GM is gone and now owner is doing the deed with the office manager. Business is super busy, so another woman and I were taught how to do leases. I said, hold up, sales people get commission. This is extra work in addition to the work we still were expected to do. Again, like an idiot, I gave them the benefit of the doubt when I was told we’d definitely get compensated extra. So after completing two deals that should have gotten me literal thousands in commissions, I got $100 each tacked onto my paycheck PRE-TAX. I was livid, called an employment agency the next day (called off the rest of the week because fuck them) and went on several interviews. I found one I liked, and BONUS the hiring manager was a former client of the owner. He hired me with a substantial increase in pay. I put in my notice, of course they were shocked. I gave one week’s notice and sure as shit, one of the douche salesmen tried to guilt me to stay late on my last day there to do paperwork for him. I left it undone at 4:59pm and walked out.

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