
The defense budget is going to be raised in the next few months. Perhaps we can coordinate a work stoppage the moment it happens?

Everywhere you look workers are expected to take cuts right now. Rising interest rates are intended to increase layoffs, force people to return to offices and suppress wage growth. In addition the retirement age for social security is going to be going up while life expectancy in this country is going down. But the defense budget is about to increase. I think this could be the spark everyone could rally around. You can find people from all walks of life who believe the U.S. spends too much on the military… including active military members. There isn't an exact date yet but it seems guaranteed it'll pass before the debt ceiling is raised and it looks like the latest that'll happen is in June. Wouldn't have to be all at once either. I'm not trying to get people in precarious financial positions and no vacation or sick days to risk everything…

Everywhere you look workers are expected to take cuts right now. Rising interest rates are intended to increase layoffs, force people to return to offices and suppress wage growth. In addition the retirement age for social security is going to be going up while life expectancy in this country is going down.

But the defense budget is about to increase.

I think this could be the spark everyone could rally around. You can find people from all walks of life who believe the U.S. spends too much on the military… including active military members.

There isn't an exact date yet but it seems guaranteed it'll pass before the debt ceiling is raised and it looks like the latest that'll happen is in June.

Wouldn't have to be all at once either. I'm not trying to get people in precarious financial positions and no vacation or sick days to risk everything without even knowing if people are on board. Personally I've got some vacation/sick days so I'd use those to start with. I think we've got enough people in this sub who are in a similar position and could pass the word on to others. If we all did that for a few days in a row it might get some attention from the media and trigger other groups to follow.

Just a thought for a low risk attempt at triggering a general strike.

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