
The difference in treatment needs to stop

So I'm 32 and I have worked factory jobs since I was 18. The three companies I worked for always treated floor workers worse than office workers. That's no secret I would assume to those that work in a factory. The way the people that literally keep the lights on is abhorrent to the way people sitting in a climate controlled office chatting about Facebook memes. I am not trying to act as if there aren't hard working office workers. I worked with tons of people in the offices that were great and busted their ass, but… I recently landed a job in a clinic making medical devices in the back. I am part of the small team that runs the clinic and am treated as a member of said team. The kindness, rewards, and understanding of personal health/not having a good day is unbelievably different in an office setting.…

So I'm 32 and I have worked factory jobs since I was 18. The three companies I worked for always treated floor workers worse than office workers. That's no secret I would assume to those that work in a factory. The way the people that literally keep the lights on is abhorrent to the way people sitting in a climate controlled office chatting about Facebook memes. I am not trying to act as if there aren't hard working office workers. I worked with tons of people in the offices that were great and busted their ass, but…

I recently landed a job in a clinic making medical devices in the back. I am part of the small team that runs the clinic and am treated as a member of said team. The kindness, rewards, and understanding of personal health/not having a good day is unbelievably different in an office setting.

My last jobs would tell me to go puke in the toilet and get the work done if I felt sick. My current job told me to go home and sleep it off.

My last jobs would berate me about not working overtime when I could finish my work faster than 8 hours. My current job thanks me for not wasting company money and buys me lunch

My last jobs would berate me for not working harder. My new job thanks me for “busting my ass since day one”

My last jobs would berate me for messing up 1/100 braces. My new job encourages me to try new things and will just order another if I mess up.

My last jobs acted like a working drill or sharp drill bits are a reward and not earned through blood and sweat from crappy equipment. My new job gives me $1000 a day to spend as I see fit for things in my shop.

My last job let their last words to me were “fuck you” as I put in my notice. My new job will probably never have last words for me until I retire.

I watched office workers get parties when leaving after 30 years. The floor workers got a beer mug with their name on it.

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