
The downfall of job interviews!

Does anyone feel as though that interviews are becoming generic? I mean like the questions are seriously lazy and repetitive. I feel like interviews should be conducted as a regular conversation to build comfortability instead of already getting anxious and nervous because you got asked the question, ” so, why do you believe you would be a great fit over other individuals”. Like c'mon, what happened to basic human connection and being truly honest about your strengths and weaknesses without being asked them????? thats just honestly scripted and I feel like there needs to be a change. I recently have been a deep depression because I could not find a job within in my field I mean I have two degrees and it's been difficult. It was literally rejection after rejection to a point I got really sad and feeling like I am stuck. Finally gathering the courage, I said…

Does anyone feel as though that interviews are becoming generic? I mean like the questions are seriously lazy and repetitive. I feel like interviews should be conducted as a regular conversation to build comfortability instead of already getting anxious and nervous because you got asked the question, ” so, why do you believe you would be a great fit over other individuals”. Like c'mon, what happened to basic human connection and being truly honest about your strengths and weaknesses without being asked them????? thats just honestly scripted and I feel like there needs to be a change. I recently have been a deep depression because I could not find a job within in my field I mean I have two degrees and it's been difficult. It was literally rejection after rejection to a point I got really sad and feeling like I am stuck. Finally gathering the courage, I said F THIS — continued to be consistent and applying within my field and outside of it and a couple weeks later I have been offered 4 jobs just by being myself and answering the question honestly. In one of my interviews, we talked for about two hours our conversation was based on life and experiences that we've BOTH experienced in a workplace and how it should be changed.

I should not feel like I am being interrogated during an interview — it should flow like a simple conversation!!!!

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