
The epidemic of laid off bootlickers

I don’t get this trend on LinkedIn of ppl fawning over the company who told them for years they were “family” only to lay them off . I get you don’t want to look bitter and seem graceful and not burn bridges but it goes to the point where it’s sickening that they have to farm likes for being laid off while they say how much of a great company it is. You’re a number!! It’s sadistic – your CEO’s are getting bonuses while you’re on the breadline and you’re a sentence away from thanking them for it .. ugh

I don’t get this trend on LinkedIn of ppl fawning over the company who told them for years they were “family” only to lay them off . I get you don’t want to look bitter and seem graceful and not burn bridges but it goes to the point where it’s sickening that they have to farm likes for being laid off while they say how much of a great company it is. You’re a number!! It’s sadistic – your CEO’s are getting bonuses while you’re on the breadline and you’re a sentence away from thanking them for it .. ugh

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