
The fabricator

I don't hate my job sometimes I'm even having fun, I build machines for a living and a lot of what I do is one off products and things they aren't comfortable giving to some of the other guys/gals. That's cool I'm good with it because I know I make a little more based on my experience and I'm capable of it. That being said if you want me to build an entire machine/system a good clear set of blue prints maybe a few pictures and minimal support if I need to ask a question. Instead what I get are 30+ year old drawings leads that have no idea how to do what I do. As a result of this the company took roughly a $30000 loss yesterday and I couldn't help but smile while I explained that if you want shit done right make sure I have the information…

I don't hate my job sometimes I'm even having fun, I build machines for a living and a lot of what I do is one off
products and things they aren't comfortable giving to some of the other guys/gals. That's cool I'm good with it because I know I make a little more based on my experience and I'm capable of it. That being said if you want me to build an entire machine/system a good clear set of blue prints maybe a few pictures and minimal support if I need to ask a question. Instead what I get are 30+ year old drawings leads that have no idea how to do what I do. As a result of this the company took roughly a $30000 loss yesterday and I couldn't help but smile while I explained that if you want shit done right make sure I have the information I need before the fact. They followed up with asking me to do some over time to remake the machines.
Instead I'm in my bathtub drinking lattes and going fishing with my daughter later. Moral of my story fuck working for poeple that can't even handle they're end of the bussiness. Might take off Monday to who knows.

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