
The fact that the workers don’t own property nor have an actual stake in the country other than than currently surviving, should be enough to tell you not to fight in WWIII, doing so would be fighting to preserve the wealth of rich people, securing their wealth with your own blood

Elites want the working class to fight in WWIII, for them to be sacrificed into the meatgrinder that is war. WWI nor WWII brought an improvement to the workers, if so, we wouldn't be in the situation that we currently are at where in this generation the rich have consolidated an enormous wealth for themselves, the sacrifice they all did was in vain because it haven't brought prosperity to the current generation where having children means economic ruin, where we can't afford a house, where our rights are smashed by the rich. Now they want to manipulate us into fighting WWIII for them, don't fall for their mind tricks, that war won't bring any benefit to us whatsoever. They will try to manipulate you into fighting WWIII for them.

Elites want the working class to fight in WWIII, for them to be sacrificed into the meatgrinder that is war. WWI nor WWII brought an improvement to the workers, if so, we wouldn't be in the situation that we currently are at where in this generation the rich have consolidated an enormous wealth for themselves, the sacrifice they all did was in vain because it haven't brought prosperity to the current generation where having children means economic ruin, where we can't afford a house, where our rights are smashed by the rich. Now they want to manipulate us into fighting WWIII for them, don't fall for their mind tricks, that war won't bring any benefit to us whatsoever. They will try to manipulate you into fighting WWIII for them.

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