
The idiots teaching young people are A HUGE ISSUE

So my kid just dropped a community college class. We were talking about the teacher. For reference it was a business class. This jack ass is literally teaching kids that monopolies should be legal and that they make things better for the consumer. She then started talking about how unions hold back corporations. That's just the short version. Our country is so fucked that the people teaching our kids can't even agree that a company controlling the whole market is not a good thing. This is why we are moving backwards. Half the country are idiot and a large percentage of the people trying to better themselves are being shoveled this bullshit. And I live in the SF Bay area. If this is the shit they are teaching kids in a very liberal area of a very liberal state Jesus Christ wtf they must be teaching these kids in “right…

So my kid just dropped a community college class. We were talking about the teacher. For reference it was a business class.

This jack ass is literally teaching kids that monopolies should be legal and that they make things better for the consumer. She then started talking about how unions hold back corporations.

That's just the short version.

Our country is so fucked that the people teaching our kids can't even agree that a company controlling the whole market is not a good thing.

This is why we are moving backwards. Half the country are idiot and a large percentage of the people trying to better themselves are being shoveled this bullshit.

And I live in the SF Bay area. If this is the shit they are teaching kids in a very liberal area of a very liberal state Jesus Christ wtf they must be teaching these kids in “right to work” states….

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