
‘The internet of money’ as a democratizing force

I think most agree that the internet has been an amazing force of empowerment for equality and democracy around the world. However, in many countries, and importantly the US, the financial system is top-heavy, largely privatized, and the product of perverse incentives. Making money transparent, borderless, interconnected, and value-derived is a massive leap forward (even if value is subjective).. and no, I'm not shilling Bitcoin. I think there's a misunderstanding that 'internet money' means Bitcoin, and that the early adopters will get all the Bitcoin. That's not how this works.. Bitcoin will own a very tiny share of global finance, and there will be millions of other projects that will seamlessly create wealth, organically, as they spring up.. and the value will be enjoyed by those involved, and early adopters. Imagine you create a Tiktok account, and due to its popularity, Tiktok owns 1% of the global market cap of…

I think most agree that the internet has been an amazing force of empowerment for equality and democracy around the world. However, in many countries, and importantly the US, the financial system is top-heavy, largely privatized, and the product of perverse incentives.

Making money transparent, borderless, interconnected, and value-derived is a massive leap forward (even if value is subjective).. and no, I'm not shilling Bitcoin.

I think there's a misunderstanding that 'internet money' means Bitcoin, and that the early adopters will get all the Bitcoin. That's not how this works.. Bitcoin will own a very tiny share of global finance, and there will be millions of other projects that will seamlessly create wealth, organically, as they spring up.. and the value will be enjoyed by those involved, and early adopters.

Imagine you create a Tiktok account, and due to its popularity, Tiktok owns 1% of the global market cap of internet money. This means that even marginally popular accounts will make a living wage. Now apply this to everything, and you'll see how value-derived finance can use the internet as rails.

Now so far, internet money has been perversely incentivized by scammers and speculators, and along with being slow, has made it unwieldy for day-to-day transacting. It also doesn't lend itself toward global relief efforts from centralized governments, so there are tradeoffs.

However, I believe that if you zoom out to the big picture, putting money on the internet would put value in the hands of the collective consciousness, as it ebbs and flows.

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