
The irony of working at a place that provides people with rental assistance, and not being able to afford to pay your own rent.

I was laid off a while back and ended up as a temp worker. Temp workers are treated like crap, I make nothing and don’t get to attend Christmas parties for free food, I’m struggling to afford anything. It’s awful. Yet my supervisor has the audacity to say I should be more positive in my email messaging to people who are screaming and yelling at me to help them pay rent. The supervisors don’t help us, and basically want the lower level employees to deal with all that crap. I don’t make enough to play therapist here, and I’m fed up and so close to walking out. But the little money I do make here is making me stay. I have a job interview for a salary position tomorrow, going during my lunch break and I really hope I get it. Cause I’m losing my mind. If they could just…

I was laid off a while back and ended up as a temp worker. Temp workers are treated like crap, I make nothing and don’t get to attend Christmas parties for free food, I’m struggling to afford anything. It’s awful.

Yet my supervisor has the audacity to say I should be more positive in my email messaging to people who are screaming and yelling at me to help them pay rent. The supervisors don’t help us, and basically want the lower level employees to deal with all that crap.

I don’t make enough to play therapist here, and I’m fed up and so close to walking out. But the little money I do make here is making me stay. I have a job interview for a salary position tomorrow, going during my lunch break and I really hope I get it. Cause I’m losing my mind.

If they could just PAY US WELL, WE WOULD BE BETTER AT OUR JOBS. Why is that so difficult to understand?

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