
The media always treats the US mental health crisis like a mystery. It’s annoying.

People have to work 60 hours a week to afford basic costs of living, barely see their friends or families, etc. Is it really surprising that people are depressed? I’ve worked a couple weeks of 13 hour shifts that literally had me spending more time at work than outside of work. And I can certainly see how even a well balanced individual might lose touch with reality during that. Why won’t we ever hear about this in the media?

People have to work 60 hours a week to afford basic costs of living, barely see their friends or families, etc. Is it really surprising that people are depressed?

I’ve worked a couple weeks of 13 hour shifts that literally had me spending more time at work than outside of work. And I can certainly see how even a well balanced individual might lose touch with reality during that.

Why won’t we ever hear about this in the media?

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