
The Military made me believe in universal basic income

I was against it for a very long time when I was young but after experiencing something liken to it having a 100% rating from the VA from military service I wish it was available to everyone. Long story short is I served 6yrs in a non-combat MOS and transitioned out with a bachelors degree and enough medical issues for a 100% VA rating which is worth about $50k/yr in guaranteed income for life, full health/dental benefits for myself and dependents, exempt property taxes etc. My life is incredibly stress free knowing that if I lose my job tomorrow, I’ll always have some form of income to more than cover my bills, keep a roof over my kids heads and cover any of their medical needs. Just life basics to stay out of poverty. I feel it also makes me far more productive at “work”. Largely because I have the…

I was against it for a very long time when I was young but after experiencing something liken to it having a 100% rating from the VA from military service I wish it was available to everyone.

Long story short is I served 6yrs in a non-combat MOS and transitioned out with a bachelors degree and enough medical issues for a 100% VA rating which is worth about $50k/yr in guaranteed income for life, full health/dental benefits for myself and dependents, exempt property taxes etc.

My life is incredibly stress free knowing that if I lose my job tomorrow, I’ll always have some form of income to more than cover my bills, keep a roof over my kids heads and cover any of their medical needs. Just life basics to stay out of poverty.

I feel it also makes me far more productive at “work”. Largely because I have the job I have purely for additional income that’s not needed to live off of so I never have an axe over my head and my work is something I’m passionate about and want to do, rather than must do for income. It’s a completely different dynamic with my “bosses” too because they have no “fear of being fired” power to hold over me and they know it. We all work very well together regardless but it’s something that lets me work that much more stress free and in turn makes me far more productive. I don’t loath going to the job each day and I know I can walk away at any moment if I choose without sacrificing my livelihood.

I wish everyone could live this way. I think people would be more productive and would turn less to crime to stay out of poverty.

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