
The more people get in touch with their passions, the more these corporate jobs will seize to exist.

My friend said this: The more people get in touch with their passions, the more these corporate jobs won't exist. Here is the thing, I know society has brainwashed you into believing that you CAN'T follow your passions and you must work a job you hate to pay the bills. But this is simply not true. You can find something you love. My friend was working retail/grocery/corporate jobs and was absolutely misreable. She is a free spirit and can't handle living in a box. She was working in a grocery store and she bagn to get so sick of it. She drinks a lot of water and so naturally she has to pee a lot. Well the store told her she had to stop using the bathroom and she just walked out. She was done. She didn't know what she was going to do because she had rent and bills…

My friend said this: The more people get in touch with their passions, the more these corporate jobs won't exist.

Here is the thing, I know society has brainwashed you into believing that you CAN'T follow your passions and you must work a job you hate to pay the bills. But this is simply not true. You can find something you love.

My friend was working retail/grocery/corporate jobs and was absolutely misreable. She is a free spirit and can't handle living in a box. She was working in a grocery store and she bagn to get so sick of it. She drinks a lot of water and so naturally she has to pee a lot. Well the store told her she had to stop using the bathroom and she just walked out. She was done. She didn't know what she was going to do because she had rent and bills but she refused to be trapped. A year later she decided to pack up her bags and move to Hawaii. Logistically she had no idea how she was going to make ends meet but she trusted that her Higher Power is always taking care of her. She found a beautiful room in a meditation center and she works as an artist. She loves to paint. She isn't rich and she is still in the process of getting her name out there, but every month she always manages to make it work. And she doesn't work in a corporate job. She isn't constrained by a schedule. She lives life on her terms. Not by the terms of a company. So let me tell you, it IS possible. People often think it's too late for them to start to leave their jobs. But it's not. Discover what you love and just GO for it. We need to stop letting these companies brainwash society. She said this one sentence that reosnated so deeply with me: jobs like that exist for people who haven't yet discovered their passion/calling. There is no “safe” route. Another friend of mine was working a corporate job making decent money and was laid off. After he realized there is no safe route. he loved metal, so he decided that he was going to become a metal singing coach. He literally didn't know how to sing though, so he taught himself in a month. Then he worked every day towards becoming a coach. Now he is making 250k+/year and under no constraints of a big greedy corporation. He was literally a starving artist before doing this. So you CAN find something you love.

and if you need a job you're unhappy with in the meantime to make ends me- that's fine- but you can still go after what you really want to do. Another friend of mine, he's an older guy in his 50s. I was asking him about his work and he said he has been so unhappy all these years. He went the corporate route and slaved away all these years- now he said he feels like h has hit a wall and he can't continue. All this time he could have been doing something he loved, but he chose the safe route. Well now he is starting his own bread -making business and I couldn't be happier for him. The man is following what he loves and going after it.

EDIT meant to say “cease” not “seize”

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