
The “Nobody wants to work” narrative needs to end.

This whole narrative that’s being pushed by the MSM clowns needs to come to and end. These out of touch corporate conglomerates need to acknowledge the

This whole narrative that’s being pushed by the MSM clowns needs to come to and end. These out of touch corporate conglomerates need to acknowledge the <15/hr Gorilla in the room.

People have been illegally government mandated to stay in their homes for the past 3 years… now that the pandemic is officially “over”. Employers are crafting a collective narrative that “NoBoDy WaNtS tO wOrK”. When I’m reality employers don’t want to teach or pay. Given the rapid rise of inflation and housing wages shouldn’t be stuck at 15-20 an hour. Wtf does that do? Roughly 600 per week when the average dump apartment in my area is over $1200? That’s moral, mental, and financial robbery.

You shouldn’t need at least 1-2 years of bar tending experience to bartend at your local dive. You shouldn’t need 1-2 years of sales experience just to sell iPhones at your local cellphone provider. It has ALWAYS been the employers job to teach people how to do the job.

For example. I’ve gone to my local GameStop on more than one occasion just looking for a part time position. They’ve turned me away every time. I’m always very polite and mindful. I dress sharply, asking for work, just to be turned down by some kid who hasn’t brushed his teeth or showered in a week. I tried the same with my local Verizon and got turned away by a guy wearing a snap back hat and gauges. I dressed for the job just to be turned away by scrubs.

I’m convinced that employers just pick employees at random; regardless of their work place experience. How am I supposed to get a job at 28 (almost 29) when every employer just tells you to use indeed? I’ll admit, my resume doesn’t look great but I’ve also been struggling since I was 21. Now that I want to turn my life around, it seems like nobody is willing to give me a change. I’m in good shape, polite. well kept, and a hard worker. I shouldn’t be in this position.

Anyone else in the same boat?

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