
The railroad strike is the perfect example of regulatory capture

The government has literally become the enforcer of industrial tyranny. They are threatening troop enforcement against strikes. Some rich prick picked up the phone, called up ol' Joe, and said “Get these poors back in line. Kill them, beat them, I don't give a shit. Just make sure they can't go home for a day when they're dying of COVID. Make sure they die here” and Joe stood up like the fucking Manchurian Candidate and did as he was told. The Fed is manufacturing a recession explicitly to take away bargaining power from the poor. Corporate profits are at an all time high and the government has been instructed to protect that. Protecting that means ensuring that you never see your family, that you never own a home, that you always pay rent, that you can't leave your rented space, that you're health insurance is tied to your employer, so…

The government has literally become the enforcer of industrial tyranny. They are threatening troop enforcement against strikes. Some rich prick picked up the phone, called up ol' Joe, and said “Get these poors back in line. Kill them, beat them, I don't give a shit. Just make sure they can't go home for a day when they're dying of COVID. Make sure they die here” and Joe stood up like the fucking Manchurian Candidate and did as he was told. The Fed is manufacturing a recession explicitly to take away bargaining power from the poor. Corporate profits are at an all time high and the government has been instructed to protect that. Protecting that means ensuring that you never see your family, that you never own a home, that you always pay rent, that you can't leave your rented space, that you're health insurance is tied to your employer, so you can never leave where they have put you.

We are in danger. We are trapped. They will not let us leave. They will not let us live with dignity. This government does not belong to us, we belong to it. A job you cannot leave is called slavery.

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