
The Reversal of WFH – Brainless Leadership?

Just wanted somewhere to vent really, the organisation I work for is a large 'family' values type company. cough** bullshit. They have recently had a substantial round of redundancies. The way this was handled was incredibly vague and protracted, leaving people in a state of intense discomfort and anxiety for weeks on end. Cut to the end, 400 people lighter give or take. They have announced a new working structure which brings employees who are entirely remote post covid, back into the office at least 2 days a week. I simply cannot stand how short-sighted and ignorant these decisions are. It's like at a management level, they go entirely off click-bait LinkedIn narratives rather than data and make decisions that have huge implications for their employees without even thinking down to that level. So, we're in a cost of living crisis.. food is more expensive and less available than ever,…

Just wanted somewhere to vent really, the organisation I work for is a large 'family' values type company. cough** bullshit. They have recently had a substantial round of redundancies. The way this was handled was incredibly vague and protracted, leaving people in a state of intense discomfort and anxiety for weeks on end.

Cut to the end, 400 people lighter give or take. They have announced a new working structure which brings employees who are entirely remote post covid, back into the office at least 2 days a week.

I simply cannot stand how short-sighted and ignorant these decisions are. It's like at a management level, they go entirely off click-bait LinkedIn narratives rather than data and make decisions that have huge implications for their employees without even thinking down to that level. So, we're in a cost of living crisis.. food is more expensive and less available than ever, utilities, rent, interest, etc are all sky-high. People are literally struggling to make ends meet.

This organisation decides that instead of looking inwards at 10+ years of absolute mismanagement at the top levels and associated consistent decline. They see an easy scapegoat in the people doing all the work. It's the work-from-home lazy bug everyone has caught very recently that's to blame for a decade of failure! Let's make them, on top of their current financial struggles and responsibilities have to.. pay for child care? dog sitters/walkers? fuel? car maintenance? Pay with their time commuting to an office to use applications which are all accessible over the internet?

Why in the fuck should I pay for the privilege to come to your dank, antiquated and uncomfortable office to do the work I can do at home. This organisation doesn't pay competitively as-is, jobs doing what I do are 99.9% remote, and now they're doubling down on eliminating any comforts we have. This is a real and very substantial pay cut to people.. in the name of vague reform? A reversal of the accelerated step into the future Covid gave us.. maybe the one and only silver lining? All because they can't admit their own failings? FUCK THESE ORGANISATIONS INTO THE GROUND AND FUCK THESE BRED FOR MANAGEMENT ASSHATS.

Good job guys, the switch has been stuck for a while but you finally managed to flick it, you are going to lose absolutely everything I know which due to being kept as a single point of failure in a senior position for years on end is a metric fuck tonne, as well as all of the drive and dedication I had or would go on to have to help you succeed. I will instead lobby against you forever for playing with my ability to live and quality of life without a second thought.

Here's to the job search! Wish me luck!

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