
The saga of the “chief well-being officer”

Better salaries to keep up with the cost of living, openness to more flexible working locations (remote work) or schedules, more respect for personal time to really ensure work/life balance, proper credit and recognition for the work put in (meritocracy), less toxic environments, less management and more people actually doing the work: what we need is known by everyone, everywhere. Again, instead of doing anything to really improve the situation, companies are now hiring yet another C-level with astronomical salaries and probably beautiful powerpoints to pretend the issues are “being tackled”, as you can see from the article just published here: Having mental aid available for stress is awesome. But, just hear me out: what if we worked instead on actually reducing the causes of stress that we all know? Stop overworking people, treat them as human, punish toxic behaviour in the workplace, be accepting of people as individuals…

Better salaries to keep up with the cost of living, openness to more flexible working locations (remote work) or schedules, more respect for personal time to really ensure work/life balance, proper credit and recognition for the work put in (meritocracy), less toxic environments, less management and more people actually doing the work: what we need is known by everyone, everywhere.
Again, instead of doing anything to really improve the situation, companies are now hiring yet another C-level with astronomical salaries and probably beautiful powerpoints to pretend the issues are “being tackled”, as you can see from the article just published here:

Having mental aid available for stress is awesome. But, just hear me out: what if we worked instead on actually reducing the causes of stress that we all know? Stop overworking people, treat them as human, punish toxic behaviour in the workplace, be accepting of people as individuals and not as clay you can mold to your shitty “culture”, reduce the amount of unnecessary incompetent managers in mid and top management and use that money to pay fairer wages to the ones who do the job, allow people to work remotely if it is possible and does not affect outcomes (and same for flexible hours).

I am sorry for ranting, but I am not even 40yo and I am physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. Just exhausted. I have worked for several different companies (start ups, scale ups, corporate crap), in different countries, and it is always the same thing. i cannot fathom to continue to work 30 or 40 or more years into this system.
Solving the issue is not that difficult and would make everyone happy, even bringing more of the “profit” they want without screwing up the workforce. Can they just surrender their fucking ego and thirst for power for once?

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