
The sales industry is thoroughly immoral and at times highly inappropriate, yet it is ultimately given a pass.

The sales industry is given a lot of leeway in our society. That’s pretty sad and depressing across the board for a variety of reasons. Firstly, a “do-not call” list should not exist. A company should not be contacting random strangers in the general public, especially if they’ve never initiated contact with that company or a particular service. A person should be given the option, directly, before any calls are made. Secondly, the sales industry, in itself has been “opportunistic” and “predatory”. In which, many companies go door-to-door or call at hours most people are at work, but the group of people who aren’t — typically elderly retirees, people with disabilities, and stay-at home mothers. I do realize these aren’t the only people at home, during work hours. Still, they are a greater majority, and companies use specific tactics to target those groups. Generally, exploitative behavior is completely unethical in…

The sales industry is given a lot of leeway in our society. That’s pretty sad and depressing across the board for a variety of reasons.

Firstly, a “do-not call” list should not exist. A company should not be contacting random strangers in the general public, especially if they’ve never initiated contact with that company or a particular service. A person should be given the option, directly, before any calls are made.

Secondly, the sales industry, in itself has been “opportunistic” and “predatory”. In which, many companies go door-to-door or call at hours most people are at work, but the group of people who aren’t — typically elderly retirees, people with disabilities, and stay-at home mothers. I do realize these aren’t the only people at home, during work hours. Still, they are a greater majority, and companies use specific tactics to target those groups.

Generally, exploitative behavior is completely unethical in general workplaces, public spaces, school, and just about any relationship. Not when it comes to sells. They can use shocking images, gaslight consumers, and use methods that make people question their adequacy, self-esteem,security, and body image. But, it’s ok, because companies are only trying to make a profit.

Workplace? Workplace standards? Many companies don’t care one iota about workers’ rights, safety, and fair wages. Many industries have a problem with this and continue to in real time. Will even “fight tooth and nail” to not change things.

In sales, it’s almost a standard practice. Workers receive no hourly or salary. Oftentimes, they must sign 1099 forms and work as “independent contractors.” When, in reality, they very much aren’t , yet they are expected to work a certain number of hours per week. Some cases, they are mandated to work 40+ hours a week or make a particular number of sales to keep their … position with a company that doesn’t treat them, like actual employees.

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