
The statement: “People don’t want to work anymore” is so dumb, on so many levels

It's just not true, at least in the US, unemployment is extremely low right now. So that's the first MASSIVE sin, this is just a lie, a fib. It's not even fucking true. Why is this used as an insult from out of touch scrooges? “People don't want to work anymore” people would rather work less, and do more things that they like. What the hell is wrong with that? We live in a world with tech that would be seen as godlike by past humans, why should the average person work more hours a week then a medieval farmer had to? Why is it a bad thing that people would rather spend more time enjoying existing, and engaging more with the finer and simpler things in life? Life is one shot. You get to do this once, no take backs. It's a journey that is completely about the travel,…

  1. It's just not true, at least in the US, unemployment is extremely low right now. So that's the first MASSIVE sin, this is just a lie, a fib. It's not even fucking true.
  2. Why is this used as an insult from out of touch scrooges? “People don't want to work anymore” people would rather work less, and do more things that they like. What the hell is wrong with that? We live in a world with tech that would be seen as godlike by past humans, why should the average person work more hours a week then a medieval farmer had to? Why is it a bad thing that people would rather spend more time enjoying existing, and engaging more with the finer and simpler things in life? Life is one shot. You get to do this once, no take backs. It's a journey that is completely about the travel, and not the destination. Yet people glorify living like this is all gonna pay off in the end. Do you know what happens in the end for humans? We die. And go away forever.
  3. Lets look at this from the perspective of the scrooge, lets say that younger people do not want to work as much anymore. You stupid ape, isn't that what you fought for?? What you grinded for?? Isn't that what every generation for all of human history has tried to do?? To make a world where your kids don't have to suffer as much as you do? To strive for a more civilized advanced tomorrow? Why are you mad that people want to enjoy more of life?

This tidbit is for all the fifty year olds that have contracted brain rot from a never ending stream of cigarettes and bud wiser. I never said once in this post, that no one should ever not have to work hard. I do not mind working, I believe that work is good for your mental wellbeing in moderation. Don't post some stupid BS in the comments like “OooOooh oK WhY dOnt YoU jUsT bE HomelEss theN sEe HoW yOu lIKe tHat”. Fair point, why don't you just die of congestive heart failure already, so your miserable wife can be free of you?

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