
“The strike would have been disastrous to the economy!” … according to who?

Billionaires? The media corporations they own? Mega corporations? Their executives? Multimillionaire politicians? I can't help but feel people are on the brink of understanding they've been hoodwinked. That 44 Democrat senators, 36 Republican senators and Joe Biden just committed an anti-union, anti-labor, anti-worker and anti-American atrocity. They are so close and the only remaining belief they have is that if the strike had proceeded hard working Americans would have suffered. But again I ask, who is saying this? Can someone tell me their names and what they've done to earn this trust? I can't help but hope if we get past this final belief that's hanging on by a thread it will trigger the awakening this country has needed for a long time now.

Billionaires? The media corporations they own? Mega corporations? Their executives? Multimillionaire politicians?

I can't help but feel people are on the brink of understanding they've been hoodwinked. That 44 Democrat senators, 36 Republican senators and Joe Biden just committed an anti-union, anti-labor, anti-worker and anti-American atrocity. They are so close and the only remaining belief they have is that if the strike had proceeded hard working Americans would have suffered.

But again I ask, who is saying this? Can someone tell me their names and what they've done to earn this trust?

I can't help but hope if we get past this final belief that's hanging on by a thread it will trigger the awakening this country has needed for a long time now.

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