
The supreme court case we did not hear about There is barely any press coverage on this but if the company wins this lawsuit, it could set the precedent for employers suing employees for losses. For example, an employer could theoretically say that you didn’t turn up to do x, y and z, and that caused us $$$ so now we’re suing you. It also make all union strikes illegal because union strikes are structured to cause the employer a loss. I only know about this because I heard about it on Adam Conover’s podcast – Factually

There is barely any press coverage on this but if the company wins this lawsuit, it could set the precedent for employers suing employees for losses. For example, an employer could theoretically say that you didn’t turn up to do x, y and z, and that caused us $$$ so now we’re suing you.

It also make all union strikes illegal because union strikes are structured to cause the employer a loss.

I only know about this because I heard about it on Adam Conover’s podcast – Factually

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