
The thing that really bothers me about my job

I am a field technician and I work outdoors for the most part. The weather here has been miserable the last few weeks but I still have to go to work and it's been making me miserable. The thing that really gets to me is the sales guy and office staff get to work indoors in a climate -controlled environment, sipping hot coffee and enjoying themselves, and they don't even seem to care that we are stuck outside in these miserable conditions. Whenever I call into the office I hear them laughing and carrying on in the background having a good old time. They never even care to ask how we're doing, and I'm telling you, it's truly miserable outside. I don't get this mentality at all. I also don't understand why they don't offer us the option of staying home when the weather is like this. I was supposed…

I am a field technician and I work outdoors for the most part. The weather here has been miserable the last few weeks but I still have to go to work and it's been making me miserable.
The thing that really gets to me is the sales guy and office staff get to work indoors in a climate -controlled environment, sipping hot coffee and enjoying themselves, and they don't even seem to care that we are stuck outside in these miserable conditions.
Whenever I call into the office I hear them laughing and carrying on in the background having a good old time. They never even care to ask how we're doing, and I'm telling you, it's truly miserable outside.
I don't get this mentality at all. I also don't understand why they don't offer us the option of staying home when the weather is like this.
I was supposed to work from 5pm to 2am last weekend, but there was a nasty storm predicted so the customer called the office to reschedule. When my boss called to tell me he did not sound happy about it and I can't believe they would want us to work in the freezing cold like that.
I just wish the office people could trade places with us technicians for even one day so they can experience some of this same misery.

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