
The thought of possibly working through a second cancer journey is horrible

I'm waiting on all the tests and stuff right now, but the symptoms and scans aren't looking to nice right now. But thanks to the fact my company offers basically no sick pay for fairly new (one year in) employees, and the gov't offers next to no help unless you're actively dying, I may have to work through this if things go south and I get bad news. There should be some law, idk, stating that employers MUST give paid sick leave for things like cancer or serious illness up to 6 months. I do the job of 2-3 people depending on the day, I start early, skip lunch and work over just to scrape even at the end of the day (and sometimes not even that). So much work. Not sure I can handle it if things go that way. I mean hopefully they won't, I am just venting,…

I'm waiting on all the tests and stuff right now, but the symptoms and scans aren't looking to nice right now. But thanks to the fact my company offers basically no sick pay for fairly new (one year in) employees, and the gov't offers next to no help unless you're actively dying, I may have to work through this if things go south and I get bad news.

There should be some law, idk, stating that employers MUST give paid sick leave for things like cancer or serious illness up to 6 months.

I do the job of 2-3 people depending on the day, I start early, skip lunch and work over just to scrape even at the end of the day (and sometimes not even that). So much work. Not sure I can handle it if things go that way.

I mean hopefully they won't, I am just venting, but fuck work ethics sometimes. I should be able to refuse to come in until better, and not lose the roof over my head as a result.

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