
The times are changing!!! Remote is the future and companies that don’t do this are losing

Sharing this; I work in Boston- TON of people have left and are still leaving because they are pushing back to office. I’m one of them. Two vp women left last week and I just now found out all three of us are being paid a lot to move to all remote jobs centered in the Midwest. Other states are taking note and literally stealing talent with remote and pay and they will continue because they are getting amazing talent!! Everyone that wants remote should do this. I’m so excited things are changing

Sharing this; I work in Boston- TON of people have left and are still leaving because they are pushing back to office. I’m one of them. Two vp women left last week and I just now found out all three of us are being paid a lot to move to all remote jobs centered in the Midwest.

Other states are taking note and literally stealing talent with remote and pay and they will continue because they are getting amazing talent!! Everyone that wants remote should do this.

I’m so excited things are changing

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