
The unemployment process is ridiculous, convoluted, and just another opportunity for your employer to f*ck you over

I got laid off last month. To add insult to injury, I'm now 6 months pregnant and my SO and I were on my insurance so that's been fun. I got laid off at the same time as the vast majority of my department, its sister department, and several higher ups. HR and operations also sort of phased out at this time. The company's basically down to a skeleton crew as they put all their eggs in the basket of one aspect in particular. Fortunately I did get some amount of severance in the form of 2 weeks' pay and the bonus I was supposed to be paid some time in February from 2022. It's now past the time the bonus covered and I've been trying to navigate my state's unemployment system. The website is surprisingly advanced for 2005, arbitrary, and overly specific in terms of the way I'm supposed…

I got laid off last month. To add insult to injury, I'm now 6 months pregnant and my SO and I were on my insurance so that's been fun. I got laid off at the same time as the vast majority of my department, its sister department, and several higher ups. HR and operations also sort of phased out at this time. The company's basically down to a skeleton crew as they put all their eggs in the basket of one aspect in particular. Fortunately I did get some amount of severance in the form of 2 weeks' pay and the bonus I was supposed to be paid some time in February from 2022. It's now past the time the bonus covered and I've been trying to navigate my state's unemployment system. The website is surprisingly advanced for 2005, arbitrary, and overly specific in terms of the way I'm supposed to interact with it. It's also incredibly vague in the way it interacts with me. So far every week I've claimed has been on hold due to “employer renumeration.” I just figured that I was getting denied because I got severance but after spending three days calling the office of unemployment I found out the reason everything's on hold is because they haven't been able to get in touch with my former employer. They have the contact info for “HR” who, as far as I'm aware, doesn't really exist as a department anymore. While I'm pretty sure this is what's actually the case, it sure does feel like this entire system was set up to disincentivize people from using it as much as they possibly could. Because it's not like people who suddenly find themselves without a job need income or anything.

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