
The unintentional lesson

When I was a kid my mom would read this children's book to us called “The Little Red Hen”. I'm sure many of you know it too. For those who don't, here is a brief rundown of events. A hen finds some wheat seeds and wants to plant them. She goes around and asks some other farm animals(they all have derogatory names) if they want to help and they all say “not I”. In the end she goes through the whole process of making bread from wheat and then goes around the farm again asking if the other animals want any then she tells them all they can't have any and eats it all herself. The intended lesson here being that the hen did all the work so she gets all the reward. That lesson was satisfying enough for my brother and sister but one night my mom asked me…

When I was a kid my mom would read this children's book to us called “The Little Red Hen”. I'm sure many of you know it too.

For those who don't, here is a brief rundown of events. A hen finds some wheat seeds and wants to plant them. She goes around and asks some other farm animals(they all have derogatory names) if they want to help and they all say “not I”. In the end she goes through the whole process of making bread from wheat and then goes around the farm again asking if the other animals want any then she tells them all they can't have any and eats it all herself.

The intended lesson here being that the hen did all the work so she gets all the reward.

That lesson was satisfying enough for my brother and sister but one night my mom asked me if I understood. I said “yeah the hen should have shared that bread” my mom was shocked so I said “maybe those animals would help her next time if she shared. Plus a whole loaf of bread probably isn't good for a chicken.” Or something to that effect.

Many years later I asked her if she remembered that book and if she still thought her lesson was true. She did so I asked if the other animals had helped would the bread be shared equally? She said yes of course. So if the hen says no they're my seeds I deserve more what should the other animals do? “Well that seems fair” but we just established that work was the reason for the share to begin with and she won't be doing any of it now, and the seeds are meaningless without the work.

“It's just a stupid kids book”

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