
The weirdness of gifting at work

The plebs at my job, (me, and all the others in my caste) all pressure one another to chip in money for expensive gifts for middle and upper management. I adamantly refuse and they passive aggressively punish me. Sorry not sorry I’m not buying some douche bag middle manager at a law firm a 1k bottle of bourbon. I haven’t had a vacation in……oh, ever while he pays dues all over for fancy golf courses. No way. What makes the people behave like this? They don’t get ahead doing it. They don’t get raises or good graces. They still see you as lower than them. They don’t reciprocate. He will still fire you. It’s crazy making. When the “collection girl” comes to my desk (three times now!!) I say “ sorry not in my budget” She says “oh, well Betty Sue put the whole thing on her card and we…

The plebs at my job, (me, and all the others in my caste) all pressure one another to chip in money for expensive gifts for middle and upper management. I adamantly refuse and they passive aggressively punish me. Sorry not sorry I’m not buying some douche bag middle manager at a law firm a 1k bottle of bourbon. I haven’t had a vacation in……oh, ever while he pays dues all over for fancy golf courses. No way. What makes the people behave like this? They don’t get ahead doing it. They don’t get raises or good graces. They still see you as lower than them. They don’t reciprocate. He will still fire you. It’s crazy making. When the “collection girl” comes to my desk (three times now!!) I say “ sorry not in my budget”
She says “oh, well Betty Sue put the whole thing on her card and we all want to make sure she isn’t stuck paying the whole thing.”
That’s a Berry Sue issue! Not a me issue.

Stop doing this. For the love of God.

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