
the world is such a fucked up place right now

the world is such a fucked up place right now and I can't do anything about it. it's so frustrating how you either waste many MANY hours of your life stupidly memorizing information that you will never use again in your life or you just have to live a mediocre life flipping burgers for minimum wage. everyone can be good at something, it doesn't have to be studying and memorizing useless information. why can't I be a fucking good carpenter (for example) which is useful for society and not get shamed by everyone around me for having not being highly educated and earning barely enough money to do anything. everyone should be able to do whatever the fuuuuck they want if they are a useful part of society, good food, a good place to live, doing whatever activity they want. I honestly, genuinely do not want to be a part…

the world is such a fucked up place right now and I can't do anything about it. it's so frustrating how you either waste many MANY hours of your life stupidly memorizing information that you will never use again in your life or you just have to live a mediocre life flipping burgers for minimum wage. everyone can be good at something, it doesn't have to be studying and memorizing useless information. why can't I be a fucking good carpenter (for example) which is useful for society and not get shamed by everyone around me for having not being highly educated and earning barely enough money to do anything. everyone should be able to do whatever the fuuuuck they want if they are a useful part of society, good food, a good place to live, doing whatever activity they want. I honestly, genuinely do not want to be a part of this world anymore… it's just so stupid and arbitrary how the rules are made.

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