
The worst part about this system are the rich brats that never have to work and rub it into our faces

“Oh look at me – I am 22 and I allready have a big house and big car and live a life of luxury – haha stop being poor, im gonna party until im 40 and then I get a juicy “job” at my daddys company”! I could explode every time some rich spoled brat – often with sub average intelligence – brags how great and awesome they are – while Millions of bright kids have to toil away their life in a slave job that crushes their potential. Is this really our world? Is there really nothing we can do to stop the rich pigs except wait for the economic collapse/depression/hyperinflation?

“Oh look at me – I am 22 and I allready have a big house and big car and live a life of luxury – haha stop being poor, im gonna party until im 40 and then I get a juicy “job” at my daddys company”!

I could explode every time some rich spoled brat – often with sub average intelligence – brags how great and awesome they are – while Millions of bright kids have to toil away their life in a slave job that crushes their potential.

Is this really our world? Is there really nothing we can do to stop the rich pigs except wait for the economic collapse/depression/hyperinflation?

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