
The worst part is the metaphorical glass ceiling that’s impossible to get past

So my job is starting to get bad, so I have been applying. Let me preface that I am experienced, older, and have a pretty diverse set of skills. Resume does not look shoddy or suspicious either. I've been a great worker almost everywhere. But I am getting rejections back and not even getting an interview. Why? Because no job I ever held broke 60k (or came close) and I don't automatically have the exact title or experience. I have (x) years in one application? Sorry, we were actually looking for years in another application that, while the same thing, won't somehow transfer or teach someone quickly how it works (or just ask me to learn it on my own??) I can't get promoted at my job because… uh, business needs! But we'll hire someone from the outside who has to go through a months-long rigorous process and work around…

So my job is starting to get bad, so I have been applying.

Let me preface that I am experienced, older, and have a pretty diverse set of skills. Resume does not look shoddy or suspicious either. I've been a great worker almost everywhere.

But I am getting rejections back and not even getting an interview. Why? Because no job I ever held broke 60k (or came close) and I don't automatically have the exact title or experience. I have (x) years in one application? Sorry, we were actually looking for years in another application that, while the same thing, won't somehow transfer or teach someone quickly how it works (or just ask me to learn it on my own??)

I can't get promoted at my job because… uh, business needs! But we'll hire someone from the outside who has to go through a months-long rigorous process and work around limitations. Oh, you already kind of did that job? Well… It's… Not the same because we're asking them to do (x) task (that happens once a year and can be taught in a day)!

It's the glass ceiling that I am smushed up against that makes this so much more frustrating. I am dealing with people who get paid more than I do and they are incompetent or not doing anything at all. You know how many times I had to explain how a semi-colon works to a SENIOR writer? More than mentioned in the job posting that I didn't get promoted into. How many times I had to explain how basic people-facing programs work (think like weeks long training) where these high salaried folks just laugh (and then get befuddled why all their clients hate them because it's garbage).

It's like there's this collective list (akin to a no-fly list) where all these people are not allowed to move up or get higher paying jobs. Cause fuck 'em. And I feel like I am on that list. It does not matter that I am spectacular at my job, get great feedback, or be considered a valuable asset. Welcome to the best cog in the wheel, I guess.

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