
There are good places to work! Work/Life balance exists! You got this!

Obviously nobody really wants to work, no matter how good or rewarding it may be, but that's just not a reality for the overwhelming majority of people. Probably 100% of us that spend enough time on Reddit to find this page are people that have to force ourselves to go to work anyway because we were all stupid as children and wished we would grow up. Well, congratulations kids, here we are. I didn't come here to brag about how good I think I have it. I want to encourage anyone who may need it to understand that they can get to a better place. Work sucks and we all know it but the less you can make it suck, the better you can feel about everything, and that's a real thing anyone can achieve. I worked so many crappy jobs and hated so many managers before finding myself somewhere…

Obviously nobody really wants to work, no matter how good or rewarding it may be, but that's just not a reality for the overwhelming majority of people. Probably 100% of us that spend enough time on Reddit to find this page are people that have to force ourselves to go to work anyway because we were all stupid as children and wished we would grow up. Well, congratulations kids, here we are.

I didn't come here to brag about how good I think I have it. I want to encourage anyone who may need it to understand that they can get to a better place. Work sucks and we all know it but the less you can make it suck, the better you can feel about everything, and that's a real thing anyone can achieve.

I worked so many crappy jobs and hated so many managers before finding myself somewhere I don't hate working. Then I kept pushing to find somewhere I actually liked, and I just kept looking for better until I found it. Its not my favorite thing in the world to do, I didn't even think about this line of work existing until I found myself in it, but its interesting, challenging, rewarding, and more importantly than all of that combined and multiplied by 10 my employers are GOOD PEOPLE.

This company doesn't even think of doing the minimum to keep us productive. We are supported, encouraged, and treated like human beings. The owners work beside us every day and foster an environment of honest, open communication where everyone thrives. Grievances are taken seriously and actions swiftly. Mistakes are forgiven and punishments only intended to teach and never harm.

No one gets called outside of work hours and no one is even expected to think about work again until the clock strikes on the next work day. The genuine respect from all sides is something I never thought I would find at work and I'm telling you guys that you can find it too. As happy as I am at work now, I still have never stopped looking for something that could be better. Those opportunities are harder to find the higher you go, but you will only find them if you keep your eyes open.

With all the negativity in our world I just wanted to share some hope with anyone who may need it. Don't give up, don't settle. Know in your heart what you can achieve and don't stop fighting for it until you make it. I hope everyone who reads this is in a good place or on their way to one or if you're not yet that this might help get you there.

Best of luck to all my brothers, sisters, pans, pots, polys, and whatever-tickles-your-jollies. Lets kick 2023's ass.

Reposted: to change a bad joke

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