
There has to be something we can do to fundamentally change society to where workers have more rights!

There's never any mention in government for voting on mandatory vacation pay, mandatory parental paid leave that is long enough and enough is paid to where both parents can stay home with their child for longer than a damn week, mandatory healthcare coverage paid by employers, employers no longer being able to just fire you for no damn reason because of the stupid at will policies, better yet just healthcare for all period… Putting term limits on the supreme court justices and us being able to do something about homelessness like mandatory basic housing, mental health services, etc etc. The USA is a dystopian capitalist hellscape and it's only getting worse. You have boomers mainly and the religious right/conservatives who want to keep us where we are and make things even worse, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Marshall Islands should either be made full states with all state benefits, or…

There's never any mention in government for voting on mandatory vacation pay, mandatory parental paid leave that is long enough and enough is paid to where both parents can stay home with their child for longer than a damn week, mandatory healthcare coverage paid by employers, employers no longer being able to just fire you for no damn reason because of the stupid at will policies, better yet just healthcare for all period… Putting term limits on the supreme court justices and us being able to do something about homelessness like mandatory basic housing, mental health services, etc etc. The USA is a dystopian capitalist hellscape and it's only getting worse. You have boomers mainly and the religious right/conservatives who want to keep us where we are and make things even worse, Puerto Rico, Guam and the Marshall Islands should either be made full states with all state benefits, or they should get their damn freedom back. Same with Hawaii in the sense of if they don't want to be part of the USA, since they were taken theough imperialism they should have the right to leave the union if they want.

It's insane to me that our citizens are clearly miserable as fuck…. I mean we have skyrocketing high depression rates, everyone's on pharmaceuticals, psych meds or on booze/illegal drugs. Instead of having a sliding scale based on income fine system, we don't so that way the rich pay off fines and see it as an extra tax and the poor go to prison. Now they're making prisoners make shit for companies and there's quotas to lock up as many people as possible. I mean for fuck sakes, we have to as a society be able to push back somehow. Protests are useless. The right and left can't work together at all nor should they. I really do think the only solution is to split the country in 2. Send the conservatives to go lives in conservative land where it's like the south and moderates/more left leaning people who actually care about the working class should have our own country. The powers that be would never allow it ofc. When the core is rotten the rest is all tainted and that's pretty much the USA's problem. The whole government is rotten and pro corporation and until things seriously change I think we are screwed.

We need to create some sort of massive movement that really catches on and gets people mobilized and we tell the government enough is enough. Corporations and business owners have sucked away our will to live, our individuality, our happiness, etc and we want to run the show. We don't even need managers and bosses. We know how to do the work, maybe keep on managers, the workers can elect on who stays and who goes, they can vote on major company matters and they can vote on wages based on how difficult your job is. As workers we should reap the rewards of our labor. Not some asshole boss or ceo who takes 99% of the cake and gives us crumbs the fight over. The right and conservatives can go live in Gilead and the rest of us can create a better, just and humane society.

I really think it's our only hope at a happy existence.

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