
There’s a light at the end of the tunnel

I’m hoping this is allowed. I had a shit job seeking process. I applied to maybe 400 jobs? With 10-15 interviews, and most of these applications requiring tests and random shit. One even had 6 rounds, of which i was eliminated round 4, before even an INTERVIEW. It was horrible. It was 6 months long of spending hours doing stupid questionnaires and tests. I can’t express how frustrated and angry i was, and still am at the system. The employers make applicants jump through WAY too many hoops. I was fully qualified for maybe 60-70% of these as well. I got two job offers, one sounding horrible and boring and life draining so I turned it down, and the other pulled the offer when I negotiated salary. However! I got a job a month ago. Fully remote, not too heavy work load, pay is reasonable (admittedly not as great as…

I’m hoping this is allowed.

I had a shit job seeking process. I applied to maybe 400 jobs? With 10-15 interviews, and most of these applications requiring tests and random shit. One even had 6 rounds, of which i was eliminated round 4, before even an INTERVIEW. It was horrible. It was 6 months long of spending hours doing stupid questionnaires and tests. I can’t express how frustrated and angry i was, and still am at the system. The employers make applicants jump through WAY too many hoops. I was fully qualified for maybe 60-70% of these as well. I got two job offers, one sounding horrible and boring and life draining so I turned it down, and the other pulled the offer when I negotiated salary.

However! I got a job a month ago. Fully remote, not too heavy work load, pay is reasonable (admittedly not as great as I hoped but definitely not horrible)- and most of all, my boss is cool. She is nice, gives positive feedback, criticism is kind and helpful and absolutely never angry, open, doesn’t micro manage, and just all around awesome. I had horrible bosses in the past that legit made me spiral into depression, but so far this is the best job I’ve had. I don’t have a heavy work load right now at all, so more free time in the day.

The environment means so much more to me than the pay or benefits. Those matter, but being in a job that doesn’t make me want to die is just so nice. I haven’t been here that long so I’m hoping this isn’t just the beginning honeymoon phase in a job, but so far, it’s pretty dope.

I just wanted to share for people who are where I was 1-6 months ago.

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