
There’s no excuse, we must revolt now!

We simply need to be revolting right now. I personally, am smart enough to recognize that we are getting screwed by the upper class, why aren’t you guys??? I mean it really is that simple, there really is no possible reason as to why a mass working class revolution isn’t happening at this very moment! I mean why can’t the single mom with three kids drop everything for a revolution against the largest military on the fucking planet! I’m losing my mind over here, why am I the only one capable of seeing this??? /s if it wasn’t clear Fr tho I see posts in similar veins almost every week on here and they only serve to achieve engagement. People have written books on why the US is like this. Capitalist Realism is the obvious recommendation. Google is quicker than Reddit posting anyways. “It is easier to envision the end…

We simply need to be revolting right now. I personally, am smart enough to recognize that we are getting screwed by the upper class, why aren’t you guys??? I mean it really is that simple, there really is no possible reason as to why a mass working class revolution isn’t happening at this very moment! I mean why can’t the single mom with three kids drop everything for a revolution against the largest military on the fucking planet! I’m losing my mind over here, why am I the only one capable of seeing this???

/s if it wasn’t clear

Fr tho I see posts in similar veins almost every week on here and they only serve to achieve engagement. People have written books on why the US is like this. Capitalist Realism is the obvious recommendation. Google is quicker than Reddit posting anyways.

“It is easier to envision the end of the world, before the end of capitalism.”
-Capitalist Realism, Mark Fisher

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