
These companies are just gaslighting themselves at this point

I’m casually searching for a new job. The job I’m searching for is not necessarily entry level, but it’s definitely production-based but still can be lucrative. There are people in these roles that make $80k and the national average is $60k. So I have way more than 3 years of experience at this point in my life. My resume only goes back to 2016, but I’ve been in the workforce for a lot longer and I just put down the most recent stuff. I’m talking to the recruiter, and I mention that I’m looking for a job with the ability to grow—in salary and responsibility and also job role. So she asks “well what are you looking for?” So, I lie and tell her I’m currently making about 10% more than what I actually make and that’s my minimum, and for me to even accept the minimum there would have…

I’m casually searching for a new job. The job I’m searching for is not necessarily entry level, but it’s definitely production-based but still can be lucrative. There are people in these roles that make $80k and the national average is $60k.

So I have way more than 3 years of experience at this point in my life. My resume only goes back to 2016, but I’ve been in the workforce for a lot longer and I just put down the most recent stuff. I’m talking to the recruiter, and I mention that I’m looking for a job with the ability to grow—in salary and responsibility and also job role. So she asks “well what are you looking for?”

So, I lie and tell her I’m currently making about 10% more than what I actually make and that’s my minimum, and for me to even accept the minimum there would have to be other compensating factors like free benefits or something to make it worthwhile. The number is still under $60k per year. She pauses and then goes on to explain how their compensation works….they have the entry point, midpoint, high point.

Here’s the kicker. She says “looking at your resume, it only goes back to 2016, is that all the experience you have?” I clarify that no, I’ve been working in the industry as a whole since 2013. She says “ok, so ten years would definitely get you to the midpoint range which is what you’re looking for.”

I’m sorry….what? You want 3+ years of experience to even pass Go, and then somehow the 7+ years on top of that is only the “midpoint”? Furthermore, the “midpoint” isn’t even equal to the national average?

The math that these companies do is insane. They probably only hand out $0.50 cent raises and then wonder why no one stays longer than 2 years, too.

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