
These kind of questions in a job application really piss me off

I received an email from the HR manager of a company asking me to apply through their career portal for a job that I have applied through a job portal. Their reasoning was that it was not possible to put question in the job portal as a part of application.I replied to them that I would not be able to spend time on these if they can't spend time with me. I don't know about others, but I don't like writing essays as a part of job application for a software developer role. And I don't understand what's with questions like “Why do you want to work with us?”. Maybe cause you have an open position and I am unemployed. How about that? Edit: Forgot to add image. Added. Also, is it “working in” or “working at”?

I received an email from the HR manager of a company asking me to apply through their career portal for a job that I have applied through a job portal. Their reasoning was that it was not possible to put question in the job portal as a part of application.I replied to them that I would not be able to spend time on these if they can't spend time with me.

I don't know about others, but I don't like writing essays as a part of job application for a software developer role. And I don't understand what's with questions like “Why do you want to work with us?”. Maybe cause you have an open position and I am unemployed. How about that?

Edit: Forgot to add image. Added. Also, is it “working in” or “working at”?

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