
They fired the one person who kept this place together

Long story short, I work at a bank. My mentor, who had been with the bank for 20 years, was fired, told pack her stuff up and leave the premises in the middle of the day. The woman was quite literally the kindest & hardest working person there. She had great relationships with our regular customers. She went above and beyond not just for business, but because she actually cared. When a customers daughter passed away she sent him a sympathy card, and when one of our older customers had trouble getting basic things during Covid, she brought a care package with essentials to his house. Those are just two things out of god knows how many kind gestures she’s done. She basically ran the branch and educated me about how everything worked, & when I got overwhelmed & overworked (because of others not doing what they were supposed to)…

Long story short, I work at a bank. My mentor, who had been with the bank for 20 years, was fired, told pack her stuff up and leave the premises in the middle of the day.

The woman was quite literally the kindest & hardest working person there. She had great relationships with our regular customers. She went above and beyond not just for business, but because she actually cared. When a customers daughter passed away she sent him a sympathy card, and when one of our older customers had trouble getting basic things during Covid, she brought a care package with essentials to his house. Those are just two things out of god knows how many kind gestures she’s done.
She basically ran the branch and educated me about how everything worked, & when I got overwhelmed & overworked (because of others not doing what they were supposed to) she let me know how much she appreciated me and basically told me to advocate for myself.

It just blows my mind that out of all people who got fired… it had to be her.
Our new boss doesn’t even know or i think even want to do his job. One of our coworkers (or myself sometimes) has to do his job for him. Not only that but he hired a new person who is just very nasty when talking to customers and constantly makes mistakes that I end up fixing.
I dread going to work now and I honestly think it’s messed up how businesses like this just see you as a number. My mentor has done so much for this branch, more than they’ll ever know.

Anyway… that’s my rant. Corporate sucks.

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