
They made me come in just to fire me

After working at a beauty counter for over eight months they decided to terminate my contract immediately. Management mentioned how I wasn't making enough money for the counter and was way off my personal sales targets, as well as being guilty of taking time off due to illness and death in the family. My area manager had to bring up the fact that I barely made 50% of my sales target recently and asked why despite knowing two of my family members passed away in that month alone, that's when I broke down crying. I genuinely don't understand what they were expecting me to do, pull money out of my ass? Selling overpriced beauty products for £70+ isn't easy in this economy, not to mention I was always out of stock of very popular items and lost hundreds of pounds of profit a day but when I mentioned it they…

After working at a beauty counter for over eight months they decided to terminate my contract immediately.
Management mentioned how I wasn't making enough money for the counter and was way off my personal sales targets, as well as being guilty of taking time off due to illness and death in the family. My area manager had to bring up the fact that I barely made 50% of my sales target recently and asked why despite knowing two of my family members passed away in that month alone, that's when I broke down crying.

I genuinely don't understand what they were expecting me to do, pull money out of my ass? Selling overpriced beauty products for £70+ isn't easy in this economy, not to mention I was always out of stock of very popular items and lost hundreds of pounds of profit a day but when I mentioned it they just saw it as an excuse.
Apparently making £14000 profit in a month is not enough though.

The thing that pisses me off the most is that my manager was just having a zoom meeting with another manager and me. They made me come in just to let me go, while transport strikes are happening .

I hate today's work environment, there's no respect for the workers that have to put up with all of the abuse and harassment from the public, we are just expected to smile go the extra mile and keep going, which I tried to do at the best of my abilities but it was never enough.

This company made billions every quarter and yet our wages remained the same, to be honest I'm glad I'm out I'll do my best to find something less toxic and mentally draining.

I will definitely not miss being yelled at by some weirdos because something has gone up in price or the constant sexual harassment that I had to face.

Good riddance.

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