
They never changed, and they never will

When they where contested about ending slavery, the ruling class told that it would never be possible, that the economy would crumble if something like it happened. Then slavery ended and the economy did not crumble. Then they where contested about ending child labour and the labour of pregnant woman, and they complained that it would not be possible, that the economy would collapse. Then child labour ended, and pregant woman also where not forced to go to work anymore, and surprisingly to no one, the economy did not colapse. Then they where contested about the wages being too low, that the workers worked too much for their own good, that the working conditions where unsafe, and they whinned about how those where natural things, that anything that tried to change this reality would destroy the economy to its very foundations. And then the wages went up, working time was…

When they where contested about ending slavery, the ruling class told that it would never be possible, that the economy would crumble if something like it happened.

Then slavery ended and the economy did not crumble.

Then they where contested about ending child labour and the labour of pregnant woman, and they complained that it would not be possible, that the economy would collapse.

Then child labour ended, and pregant woman also where not forced to go to work anymore, and surprisingly to no one, the economy did not colapse.

Then they where contested about the wages being too low, that the workers worked too much for their own good, that the working conditions where unsafe, and they whinned about how those where natural things, that anything that tried to change this reality would destroy the economy to its very foundations.

And then the wages went up, working time was lowered, working conditions gradually changed for the best, and the economy was fine with it.

Have you noticed the pattern? That the rulling class have aways been on the wrong side of the history? That everything that they said could never be done, that everything that was deemed by then as an “unchangeable reality”, was eventualy done, and they where proved wrong?

Want to know the thing that they aways telled, and still tell today, even after being proved wrong? The thing that they fear the most, that makes them shake and cry when they go to sleep, the thing that haunts their dreams?

The working class noticing that they dont really need them, that they can live their lives normally without being subservient to an “ruling class”. That they are the majority and could easily become the ruling class of themselves. That the bosses, the oligarchs, landlords, billionaires, have no actual purpose in existing, and could easily just be thrown off.

Aways remember, we dont need THEM, they need US, we can exist without them, but they cant exist without us. This has already been proved, on theory and on practice.

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